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Schoolhouse Meadow

For generations, Schoolhouse Meadow has welcomed Temple residents and visitors alike. In addition to its historic schoolhouse, this town-owned property also boasts important natural resources, especially water. A drinking water well on the property taps a groundwater aquifer - a deep layer of sand and gravel that holds water - and serves several nearby village buildings, including the town hall, post office, church, and library. The land is also located next to or near hundreds of acres of other conserved land to the northwest and east. Community support for protecting Temple’s Schoolhouse Meadow forever is strong, and residents voted at the March 2023 town meeting to place a conservation easement on this special space. We thank all Temple residents and officials for trusting the Conservancy to be their partner in conserving the property. The next time you drive into Temple village, we hope the scenic rural character welcomes you as warmly as the town welcomed our involvement.