Hunting & Fishing

Hunting and fishing are important parts of the rural New Hampshire lifestyle for many people. Just as the Monadnock Conservancy promotes farming and forestry where and when appropriate, we also support hunting and fishing. By protecting natural resources and enhancing wildlife habitat, we are able to provide space for hunters and anglers and support traditional ways of life.
On Conserved Land and Water
Lands protected through conservation easements are still privately owned. The choice to post the land against hunting, fishing, and other forms of outdoor recreation is typically retained by the landowner. If you have any doubt, as a hunter or angler you are encouraged to contact landowners directly and introduce yourself to them. The Conservancy does not provide contact information for our landowners to the public; you can go to the town hall for public records with ownership information about specific parcels.
On Land Owned by the Conservancy
You are welcome at our properties, and we ask you and all users to enjoy them in a safe, respectful, and responsible manner. Lands owned by the Conservancy are open to hunting and fishing, unless otherwise posted at the property. Sometimes land will be posted due to unsafe conditions, to protect sensitive ecological resources, or for other management considerations. As a hunter or angler, use of Conservancy property is at your own risk, and we ask that you…
- Follow all state and federal rules and regulations, including having a valid hunting or fishing license
- Wear orange and other safety gear as appropriate
- Hunt, and unload firearms, at safe distances and in directions away from trails, recreational infrastructure, and other users of the property
- Do not damage or remove trees or brush
- Use “hang-on” or “ladder” tree stands and do not screw anything into trees
- Place stands no sooner than 1 week prior to the start of deer season and remove stands no later than 1 week after the end of deer season
- Refrain from baiting or feeding wildlife
- Find other places for recreational or target shooting
- Check the Upcoming Events page on our website, to ensure that you avoid conflicts with scheduled outings on our properties.
The Conservancy reserves the right to change the posted status of any property if damage, vandalism, unsafe conditions, conflict, or other information are brought to our attention.
Have questions or want to know more?
You may want to read the Recreation FAQs section first. If you are interested in hunting or fishing on a Conservancy property, please email Rick Brackett, land manager, or call him at 603-357-0600, ext. 105. We welcome all inquiries.
Why I Care
I've hunted long enough to witness prime habitats for upland birds and waterfowl steamrolled by development, making conserved lands more precious.
— Phil Warren, Alstead, N.H.