The Monadnock Conservancy was founded by a group of steadfast volunteers, and we continue to depend on the generosity of people like you who are willing to lend a hand by caring for our conserved lands, organizing special events, and providing office support. Whether you can give a few hours, a few days, or a few months each year, your effort is appreciated.
To apply to be a volunteer, please click here and fill out the online form.
For more information on the types of volunteer opportunities we offer, see the descriptions below.
Ways You Can Help
In the Field
Trail Steward
Adopt one of seven trails that the Conservancy maintains and check on it once every three months, cleaning up debris, and reporting on any possible violations. Potentially help with maintenance projects as needed.
Worker Bee
Help when we have trail days. Worker bees help with trail maintenance, projects, and improvements.
Outreach & Office Support
Photograph events, including our Annual Celebration in mid-September; capture images on properties we own or protected through a conservation easement; other projects as needed.
Mailing Crew
Help fold letters, stuff envelopes, and stamp. We need a group of volunteers a few times each year — join us every time or as little as an hour or two, we always appreciate the extra hands.
Event Helper
Help set up tables, greet arriving guests, serve food, clean up ... you name it, it makes a big difference!
Have questions or ready to get involved?
Give back. Give often. We welcome all help from teenagers and adults looking to create lasting change in their community! Please email Kate Sullivan, operations and development manager, or call her at 603-357-0600, ext. 101.
Why I Care
I love being out on the land, and this is a way I can give back. Plus, it's always a treat to find a beaver lodge, snowshoe hare tracks, a moose antler, or bobcat scat.
— Kathy Schillemat, land steward, Nelson, N.H.