Beauty and the Beasts
Conserving habitat in Fitzwilliam
Fitzwilliam, N.H.
80+ Acres
Mink, beaver, and many other native species make their home on a more than 80-acre parcel on Scott Pond in Fitzwilliam. Rick Bullock has seen them all. His family has been coming to this land for nearly 100 years to soak in the majesty of Mount Monadnock and the surrounding natural habitats. Out of respect for the land and the furry little troublemakers that live there, Rick worked with the Monadnock Conservancy to put a conservation easement on the property, protecting it forever for the people and beasts of the northern wild.
The newly protected land boasts nine acres of wetlands and 16 acres of shrubland habitat, which is in decline in New Hampshire. It also features a half mile of frontage on Scott Pond and a third of a mile on Scott Brook, allowing natural and unencumbered access for many semi-aquatic animals. Across the road to the south is another 125-acre conserved property that is owned by the Town of Fitzwilliam.
Over the last two years of working with Rick, our team saw firsthand many of the native species living on the property. Along with the views of Mount Monadnock, the Bullock conservation easement is all about protecting what people love about this region: the beauty and the bounty of the land. Creatures of the forest can’t ask for your help, but they surely need it when they can’t access quality habitat on which to forage, graze, or hunt. So let us speak for them: Every donation to the Monadnock Conservancy, big or small, protects the habitat of all sorts of native critters, big and small. Whether it’s a 1,500-pound moose or a 15-inch mink, the Conservancy is working to keep these species with us for years to come.